Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Year 2014 (And going) American Jedi

American Jedi

In 2014 Filmmaker & Director Laurent Malaquais contacted members of the Jedi Community to participate in his Documentary efforts on the ever growing Jedi Religion.

Eventually it was suggested that the Director join that year's gathering for further recordings and information. There was much debate and plenty of concerns on the request but after a community Vote, the Director was invited to participate as a paying member.

Traveling with some Jedi Members, the Director made the road trip up to Michigan where the 2014 Jedi Gathering was being held.

The Director was respectful to the members and vigilant in his recordings. 
Staying up long hours with the Knight's during their Knightings to capture the moments.

Gathered Force Community assisted in Advertising the Documentary before it shut down.
The Advertisement is page below (Recovered to the best of our ability - Some information lost/deleted)

Filmed & Directed by: Laurent Malaquais
Laurent Malaquais, filmmaker and director of the Bronies Documentry - Bronies: The Extremely Unexpected Fans of My Little Pony
Is working hard to make another. This time about the Jedi Community, Jedi Religion, and it's followers.
Interviewing Jedi from all over the United States and participating in our events
Such as (but not limited to) This years Annual Jedi Gathering. 2014.
Dates for Documentry release is, as of yet, Unknown.
Please keep an eye on our feeds for further updates!
May The Force Be With You!
American Jedi, the documentary chronicles real life Jedi who follow the Jedi path based on the 
Star Wars mythology. The film delves into the world of telekinesis, Jedi Realism and the journey of five Jedi testing for Jedi Knighthood. 
Starring: Opie Macleod, Gabriel Calderon, Perris Cartwright, Kitsu Tails, Michael Hannigan, Michael Grubb & Michael Monk. Also featuring: Ross Greenberg, Boom Darklighter, Katie Mock, Miles, Charles, Mendas, Daniel Atlas, Ilse Liset, Jeremy Cowan, Alex Bird, Andy Spalding, Vishwa Jay, Karen Schwob-Ticknor, Crystal Neumann, Dan McCann, Rosalyn Johnson, Audrey Escalante, and many more to come...

Click on image to View Album
January 16 2017: American Jedi Changed it's Logo

July 9 2016: American Jedi Changed it's Logo and Created a Poster

February 1 2016 : Film Festival Announcement on Facebook

November 25 2015: Film Festival Submission

August 18 2015 : American Jedi Interviews 501 Legion

August 14 2015 : American Jedi Joins Indiana Gathering

August 1 2015: American Jedi Interviews 501 Legion

July 31 2015: American Jedi Interviews Rev Hicks

 March 14 2015: American Jedi Editing Film

February 17 2015: American Jedi Editing Film

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