Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Year 2005: Temple Of The Jedi Order

Temple Of The Jedi Order
Year of 2005
Founded by: Br John

Temple of the Jedi Order is a place of Philosophy and Religion with unique training foundation based off of Joseph Campbell, Alan Watts, and other "Real World" Icon's. They perform Initiate Program's, Apprenticeship, Knighting's, Sermons and Ordinations.
Founded Year of 2005
Founded by: Br John
On November 23, 2005 Br. John registered the domain TempleOfTheJediOrder.org. Todd Fogal designed the original site which is still running at TempleOfTheJediForce.org. The orders articles of Incorporation were received by the Secretary of State of Texas on December 14, 2005. Per stipulation in the articles we became chartered as a non-profit corporation at midnight Central Standard Time on December 25, 2005.
Br. John was inspired particularly by the Jedi Sanctuary as it was in late 2005. But they were sending people who wanted to be ministers to the
Universal Life Church. ULC was a place where anyone of any religious faith could be ordained with a simple application registration complete with printouts of certificates and licenses.
Unable to find any Ordaining Jedi sites Br. John founded Temple Of The Jedi Order to provide a church for Jedi. The Order ordains its own clergy and issues ministers licenses to Jedi Ministers. Our eighth anniversary is December 25, 2013.
"We are officially recognized as a Public Charity - a 501(c)3 organization. We'll be listed in the federal registry. - The ruling is retroactive to the date I filed - October 3, 2015."
Official Form 
Exert from: The Force: A History
By: The Keeper

External communicationsprteam@templeofthejediorder.org

Totjo Archives
Due to the methods of archiving, the links below will be off site google Docs archive links. Thank you for understanding!
Year End Reports

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