Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Force: A History

The Force: A History
A justjedi.com Extract
The first Rough Draft
By: The Keeper (Trisskar)

"The pillar of Knowledge is the most important of the three pillars you will study during your time as an initiate...If not for the histories of the Order recorded in our Holocrons, what would Master Mandibu know of the force beyond her vague feelings? Without the diagrams of combat techniques in our archives, how could Master Vaunk know the proper way to instruct you in shii-cho?"~ The Jedi Path

History is an important part of our lives. It tells us of things that have occurred in our past and teaches us how to move on into the present and future. It shows us both our greatest successes and our hardest failures.

In this article I wish to touch up on the history of the online movement. Jedi. “Over 390,000 people answered “Jedi” in the 2001 census for England and Wales and 14,000 in Scotland (a lower proportion). This is more than the number of identifying Sikhs, and more than Jews and Buddhists combined.” So says the the Census Campaign website:

In Australia more than 70,000 people declared themselves members of the Jedi order and right along with them over 53,000 people listed themselves as Jedi in New Zealand.

Later in 2011 - 176,632 describing themselves as Jedi Knights. As reported on The Guardian:

All of these very large numbers on Census aside. The views were greatly mixed, many admitted that they signed as “Jedi” due to concerns of how the Census worked and instead of putting ‘Non-Religion’ an organized movement encouraged people to put ‘Jedi’ instead as a little joke. While these numbers were extensive and very impressive, this did not in any means register the Jedi as an actual, legalized religion.

That notwithstanding “Jedi” had been viewed as a religious movement online long before 2001 and continues to grow more and more with each passing day. Memorable leaders such as Relan Volkun, Nightflyer, Mitth, Streen and many others laid the foundations and the structures of the online and even offline Jedi movement.

Let us continue forward and learn how these great founders started our history and how many others kept it alive and well to this day.
The Jedi were first mentioned in the 1977 movie Star Wars IV: A New Hope and remained central in the five subsequent Star Wars movies, along with novels and games also based in the Star Wars universe. While these sources are entirely fictional, their creator, George Lucas, researched a variety of religious perspectives during their creation. Daoism and Buddhism are the most obvious influences on his concept of Jedi, although there are many others.

A few years after Star Wars had stolen the hearts of many fan’s and entered into the vast aspects of media, the main movies, TV shows, books, comics, games and also the internet. Some of the fans had gone so far as to create a roleplaying community where a small group wrote fan fiction stories together about Star Wars and the famous Jedi. Some even went so far as to apply real philosophies, lessons and scholarly agenda into their stories playing out fictional characters in a fictional environment with a very real ideology.

Along with the Role Playing communities. Places where members would write a section of a story, and have other members slowly build and add to in order to create one big story. There were also chatrooms. A notable Chatroom was called the Mos Eisley Cantina.
With all these varying influences, creative, explorative minds and people looking for a suitable place to ‘fit in’ some special members decided to carry things to the next level.

Year 1995: The Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4

Kharis Nightflyer’s The Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4 
Founder: Kharis Nightflyer

Year: December 5th 1995

[url is not active/dead]
Kharis Nightflyer’s Jedi Academy was a website that was built in December of 1995, and is said to be the first example of actual Jedi training found on the internet. Within this site laid the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin 4, the actual training section of the site. Most people never found the main page of the site, due to the way the search engines at the time tagged the page. It is for this reason that some remember the site under different names, but those that know of the site will never forget the name Kharis Nightflyer.
Kharis was a great fan of the Jedi Academy trilogy, and blended the information he got from it with the yogic practices he already knew, giving us the first steps into the Force. The nearly-universal Calming Breath technique that most practicing Jedi have seen at least one time was first applied to the Jedi and the Force by this man, and his website. He was also the first to post anything having to do with sensory meditations for the Jedi online, long before any one of us knew the other. His was the first site to teach the four-line Jedi Code, plucked straight from the fiction, but explained in his own short words.
Kharis also attempted to warn us all about the dangers of teaching. His lessons often were taken in part, or in whole, from the fiction, but that did nothing to remove their importance.
Kharis was a “less is more” kind of teacher. He often did not answer specific questions through email, but would often reply with nothing more than a quote. His site was heavy with quotes from the movies, and the books.
Youtube/Google Hangout Class on the Jedi History by Opie
Kharis Knightflyer's Archives

Keeper's Note: All archived links below open into a google docs file.
Your training will be a landscape of self-discovery. Learn new things, and share what you have learned with the others. I have called this place a praxeum. This word, made up of ancient roots, was first used by the Jedi scholar Karena, distilling the concepts of learning combined with action. Our praxeum, then, is a place for learning of action. A Jedi is aware, but does not waste time in mindless contemplation. When action is required, a Jedi acts.
Choose a lesson from the following lists. It is best to complete the lessons in order. Our campus' holoprojectors will recreate the images of Jedi, who will guide you through the lessons. Contact my apprentice, Instructor Kharis Nightflyer, if you have any questions.
Nature of the Force
Kharis Nightflyer: Introductory Lesson: The Force
Kharis Nightflyer: The Path of Darkness
Kharis Nightflyer: The Nature of the Force
Kharis Nightflyer: Lesson Four - The Jedi Code
Kharis Nightflyer: A Jedi's Greatest Ally
Kharis Nightflyer: The Nature of the Dark Side
Kharis Nightflyer: Aspects of Light and Dark

Jedi Training
Kharis Nightflyer: The Calming Breath Technique
Kharis Nightflyer: Jedi Meditation -- Basic Technique
Kharis Nightflyer: A Jedi's First Battle
Advanced Lessons
Kharis Nightflyer: Technology of the Lightsaber
Kharis Nightflyer: The Dangers of Training Jedi

Lightsaber Lessons
Kharis Nightflyer: Gripping the Lightsaber

Thank you for visiting the Academy. The site is under construction, please return later to receive new lessons.
NOTE: Due to the loss of the Jedi Holocron (an artifact containing much Jedi Lore), many of our records are incomplete. If anyone has information, lore, or insight into the ways of the Jedi, please return to the Academy proper, and send me a transmission.--Instructor Kharis Nightflyer.
Return to the Academy [Dead]

Year 1997: Jedi Lore

Jedi Lore
Founded by: GEDI

Year: 1997 

(although he was in action much earlier than this copyright date)
GEDI is an unknown element of the Jedi Community and perhaps the most influential one. Only a few know of him and even fewer have had the chance to speak with him. 
Others report that he was a hermit. He liked his privacy and didn’t want to be known...coming out to offer advice, opinions and even warnings when he felt it was key to do so.
Those who did know him looked forward to their conversations with him even if he was very direct with his words and sometimes got a little personal.
He had an apprentice. And unlike him Tionne was well known in her time and had played a key part in the future at the Jedi Creed. 
GEDI had his own website which was unique and creative adding a new flare and style to learning about the Jedi ways with real life aspects. His lectures were the most memorable, but Relan Volkum reports on the link above that
“The content on the website is downright intense. Whether it is the colors, the sounds, or the subjects of Gedi's work, it holds as many layers as an onion. Sound files are on just about every page, and, even if Gedi never intended it, they repeat themselves over and over again on many computers. It would get annoying. Very annoying. After a while, though, it gives a very eerie feeling to the page you are visiting. It became an essential component of the Jedi Lore universe. Also the mixing and matching of colors and fonts place interest toward the words on the page. And the subject matter, such as the result of Jedi Trial 3: Ager's Trial, is incredibly sensitive and thought provoking.
And that's perhaps the best two words to describe both Gedi and Jedi Lore. They are, indeed, thought provoking.” - Relan Volkum
There was alot of mystery around GEDI in part because he didn’t like to speak and it required a serious individual to get him to come out of his little cubby hole.

Year 1996: The Jedi Academy

The Jedi Academy
Founder: Baal Legato

Year 1996

[url is now not active/dead]
The Jedi Academy came into existence in the year of 1996. Baal Legato created one of the three head websites of the online community. Other leaders came and went; Deean Kett and Hellflower Ryu were two of the most active leaders in the community, holding their leadership within the Academy for many years.
The Jedi Academy was considered to be the first Ez-Board Jedi Discussion Forum’s created for community use. This form of communication provided a new means of viewing the ideas of ‘being a Jedi’ separated from the ties of Role Playing. The Jedi Academy had it’s first Administration crew and held many lessons on swordplay, ethics, philosophy, and Force theory. The Jedi Academy was considered to be one of the most popular Jedi Discussion forums at the time. But as all good things go, in the year of 2003 the Jedi Academy fell apart and died.

Year 1998: The Jedi Alliance I&II

The Jedi Alliance I & II

Founder of Jedi Alliance I: Mitth'raw'nurida (Master)
Founder of Jedi Alliance II: Streen (Apprentice)
Year 1998
While the Jedi Alliance I & II wasn’t as popular as The Jedi Academy, it was a respectable place that housed some radical ideas, lectures & lessons that revolutionised the Jedi Ideals at the time. Due to the former switch from Role Playing & Real life applications it was these two founders. A Master and an Apprentice to bring forth something that washed away our Role Playing roots and gave it’s members something more....real.

Year 1999: The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council
Founders: Mitth'raw'nurida & Streen
Despite the communities goals to step away from the fiction and bring the Jedi into a more real life aspect. The release of Star Wars: Phantom Menace encouraged another change.
Mitth'raw'nurida, Founder of Jedi Alliance I and Master to Streen, Founder of Jedi Alliance II both decided to merge their two alliances into one, united community.
The Jedi Council
Shortly after the Jedi Council came into existence. Another head leader of the Jedi movement joined the community. Relan Volkum. Relan, Streen, & Mitth were commonly known as “The Big Three” but the Big Three were not without their help, friends and allies. Some of note would be; Tionne, Winter Heart, and Darth Scorn. All were key players in a grand advancement of our small online movement.

Year 1999: Force Academy

Force Academy
This is still being cleaned up and edited. Thank you for your patience!
June 19, 1999
Founder: Andrew Watson (also known as the "Force Master")
Alongside the same year of the Jedi Academy. The Force Academy was also created. The Keeper has not been apart of this community and can only rely on the wisdom and texts found within their saved history and through deep research in their database. As such The Keeper will rely heavily on exerts and texts of the Master that ran The Force Academy in hopes to remain true to their characters without bias or watered down lore.
Lord Ediolon a long standing member of the Force Academy has, in particular, been of great service in the following documentations below.
Alongside the same year of the Jedi Academy. The Force Academy was also created with a few rough starts. Like any new community the founders struggled with their Administration and after a few mistakes the founder asked a friend (Moore) to help.. Moore corrected a few Administration hiccups and also started the first handful of lectures.
Moor’s lectures can be found at: 
“Lord Moor is a follower of witchcraft, suggesting a largely metaphysical Dark Side including skills and Force powers. His ideas revolve around strength of mind to manifest the Dark emotions. He preaches an age old theory of Darkness, a deeply mystical Dark Side. It leads the way into the idea of examining the self and understanding the emotions of the self.”
-Kissed by Shiva
presented in 2005
Over time and further building of the Force Academy. Various Aspects came into light
The Light Aspect
The Shadow Aspect 
The Dark Aspect
Other subjects were open for conversation and educational purposes but the three aspects were the focused paths and were controlled by their own own, unique set of leaders.
(Jedi) Force Academy Light Aspect : Fene & Jedi Knight G
(“Who were the Light Aspect leaders - In Order - Did they follow a ‘Dynasty?’ If so what were they? What were some of the success’s, failures?”)
(Shadow Jedi) Force Academy Justin Tallant AKA Shinobi
(“Who were the Shadow Aspect leaders - In Order - Did they follow a ‘Dynasty?’ If so what were they? What were some of the successes, failures?”)
Force Academy (Sith) Dark Aspect
The First Dynasty
Lead by: Moore
It could be said that the Dark Aspect at Force Academy took it’s roots from the Order/Society of the Moon founded by a man named Malevicum. The Black Coven supplied the First Dynasty Teachings based off of the history and artifacts of the Black Coven. One of the Force Academy members outline a summary concerning this subject which can be viewed below.
The Order of Eight and the Society
Written by: Azadun
Once upon a time there were people in Germany who studied witchcraft. Some by themselves. Some together with others. Over time networks developed and people exchanged knowledge. Among the more known scriptures, the most famous was "Der Hexenmond". The unknown author claimed that witchcraft came from the time when angels still walked the Earth. This was before God punished them for sharing divine knowledge and drove them from heaven.
This grimoire became famous quickly. It was a pure form of knowledge and the teachings in the book lead to great power and success. There was as much debate on the magickal theory presented as there was on the true nature of the gift. Based on the story presented, people began developing their own interpretations based on their beliefs. Some believed that all witches are descendants of the angels before the fall. Others believe that it is a spiritual link, that we are related in soul, or indeed the reborn souls of that era. Some believed it was just a metaphore. And some believed that it was proof that we were indeed as dark in origin as the church made us out to be.
Covens grew in size and culture began establishing itself around different versions of the Hexenmond. While all covens thought their version to the be right one, some of the more darwinistic covens started fighting over it. Not so much as to subjugate the others as much as to prove their truth to themselves. How to explain this best. Some of you may have heard of the term Gottesurteil. I'm not sure what it's called in English. A divine ruling, I believe. When knights for example had a disagreement, they would dual or joust. The idea was that God would support the knight who is correct and grant him victory. In that sense, this competition between some the covens was similarly honor based, giving themselves to competition to prove through the Gottesurteil that their belief was indeed the purest. Competitions could vary between matches, but later grew more dire in the sense that magickal skirmishes were supported where basically one coven invaded the territory of another and used magick on its members and sometimes their allies and families. But overall these were still times of honor and surrenders were excepted.
But all that changed when a young coven emerged, following the dark belief that we were effectively, the ancestors of demons. Of royal demons no less, as the fallen angels are referred to: the nobility of hell. They began mixing infernal magick and demon worship into their witchcraft and fought with their neighbors for dominance. They did not accept honor surrenders and they fought not only with curse and tears, but brought violence and fought with blade and blood as well. The only surrender they accepted was an oath of fealty to their ruler. Written in blood. Witnessed by the spirit world. Woven by magick.
It didn't take long before several of the other covens banded together against the black coven and formed the Order of Four, under the sign of the four divine heavens, North, East, South and West. Later this was also called the Order of the Sun.
To help calm the violence that had grown among this network of covens, but also to acquiesce some of the darwinistic circles who enjoyed the emerging brutality, the order institutionalized competition by sword with armor.
The black coven, under the sign of the Zenith, or solar eclipse, formed it's own Order and referred to the overall society as the Order of Eight. Four houses of the sun, as the other covens had founded their Order of Four, but also four Houses of the Moon. These were the secret houses that worked to undo the Order of Sun.
This was an interesting time. Also culture wise. The Order of the Sun required all members of the larger Society to register with them. Those who didn't were respected as independent but would need to fend for themselves if trouble arose. And were also not given access to the rapidly growing library of the Order of the Sun.
Malevicium, who lead the Black Circle and Order of the Moon, sent many of his followers to infiltrate the Order of the Sun. To manage this culturally, he had to adapt some rulings. From there came his rulings on fighting with blade and armor.
He stated that all Children of the Moon served the darkness. This was their highest mission. Some served best in secret, gather information and executing missions as spies. As such, deception became a prized virtue. There was a time and place for open battle, but otherwise, it was time to apply deception. To train one's skills both magickal and with sword was prudent. To hide one's skills and abilities was mindful. Hence wearing armor was considered appropriate.
Additional Information added between Moore & Lord Ediolon
The original difference of the houses, was only a cultural one. The house of the south studied Egyptian witchcraft, the west traditional European. The north followed the Nordic trail of the wise women. The east studied the craft in connection with chi.
Later the houses expanded their knowledge over time to include other elements. I belonged to the house of the south for a while. I studied Astrology, chaos magick from Babylon, worked with animal spirits as well.
The other was the elemental alignment. The east was air, a house of scholars who sought knowledge. South was fire, those who go to war. West was water, the healing element and north was earth, the judges and governance.
The order itself only lived for maybe 10 years before it was dissolved and live returned to decentralized cabals under the name of the Society.
There was some talk of sun and moon, but M was then defeated 5 years ago for the second time and that basically broke the backbone of any further resistance.
The cabals more or less returned to their previous state. The house of the north was the largest and most cabals follow a Celtic cultures still.
The houses were dissolved when the order became the society. The houses dissolved into dozens of simple covens, each deciding on their own how much of the culture they retained.
Concerning the Der Hexenmond by Moore from the thread linked above.
“Der Hexenmond is like the Golden Flees. No one knows if it was real. Our line of witchdom is based on a verbal tradition if you remember. The Order later changed the verbal teachings as they evolved into new directions. So the original source is lost to us.
The same reason there is no website of the Order. Not only because it was secretive, but because it was believed that the craft must be taught verbally. Which is still the tradition today as Sith. For twenty years later, there is still no one book that teaches the apprenticeship comprehensively.”
“The first dynasty was the age of storytellers. Their gift to us is the lore upon which our aspect was built. They established the first council, and built the lecture hall as a place to teach. And so they began to gather around them those who shared their dreams and visions. They spoke of destiny, and promised power to the chosen. And those who believed themselves to be among the chosen crowded around to hear these tales of power. The first dynasty spoke of that which divided the awakened from the unawakened, and taught the chosen to regard themselves as wolves among sheep. They taught of the armour with which the awakened warrior should cloth himself to manipulate those who were not awakened. They taught of the sword of focussed emotion rising through the body with which the awakened warrior could cut his way in the world of the unawakened. Yet in their teaching, the first dynasty gave birth to schism. Perhaps in drawing a visible distinction between the awakened and the unawakened, they sowed the seeds of jealousy. Perhaps they grew too complacent, and too arrogant about their elite status. Seeing a caste of scholars emerging within their council, they dismissed them as mere bureaucrats, incapable of anything other than mundane knowledge. But men and women were emerging who hungrily devoured all that they could learn, who cast their net wide in their search for power. They were not among those selected by the first dynasty to be taught in secret, perhaps because they were too headstrong, too stubborn to accept the doctrines that were being taught. Yet here were seekers who had taught themselves, and were intent upon carving a path of enlightened action in the world. And so when the first master sought to stand down as head of the council, and sought to appoint an unknown student of his own as the new chair, this caste of scholars responded with disdain, and seized control of the council for themselves.” 
-Richard Francis Irvine
written in 2009
Second Dynasty
Lead by: Satelle
“Satelle was the second, and many of her ideas are displayed at theFatum Operandi. Self understanding is broken down into more levels than just spirituality by looking at the self as a whole—physical, mental, emotional, and how these fit together as well as external influences on the self among others. Efficiency and pragmatism come into the scope: reflection, analysis and improvement. Satelle doesn’t neglect the metaphysics, and I would guess she feels they were a factor in balancing and improving the whole, but they aren’t the emphasis as before.”
-Kissed by Shiva
presented in 2005
“The second dynasty brought to the fore their hunger for knowledge. Like those who preceded them, they retained the search for power, but were active in seeking this power in worldly forms as well as through internal potency. In place of the strength of the warrior, they spoke of the power of the mind, unbounded. In place of destiny, the second dynasty spoke of purpose. In place of lore, they spoke of reason. The second master moved swiftly to establish a council which emphasised the diversity of paths walked within the aspect, and the council declared the importance of this diversity through public meetings and proclamations. Yet the uneasy peace between those who shared the world view of the first dynasty and those who shared the priorities of the new order could not be maintained for long. The conflict emerged as a public feud, known as the archetype wars, fought through words and actions which became increasingly more bitter and vindictive. As it became clear that the visible axis of power had shifted from the old path of the chosen warrior to the new intellectual and political order, those who held to the old ways withdrew, leaving the new council to rebuild amid that which had been torn down and laid bare. And rebuild they did, starting the work of constructing a library of knowledge and a place of self-development, gathering learning and teaching materials from far and wide, and forging a community of those who demanded self-awareness. Their vision was truly epic, but as the project grew, it became clear to the second master and those of her council that the vision had outgrown the boundaries of this place. The foundations upon which the second dynasty built had outlived their usefulness, and they vacated their council seats to continue their work elsewhere. And so, having seen off the remains of the first dynasty, the second dynasty themselves withdrew, leaving silence. Few remained to take their places on the council. And so when one knight declared himself the third master, took the chair of the council for himself, he did so unopposed. This knight had been an early supporter of the vision of the second dynasty. He had gained his place on the council when they had first seized power from the old order, and had impetuously fought for its corner during the archetype wars, before becoming increasingly disillusioned and departing to walk his own path. As one of the few who remained active after the departure of the council of the second dynasty, he was able to create anew.
-Richard Francis Irvine - written in 2009
Third Dynasty
Richard Francis Irvine
Richard Francis Irvine came third. Now I feel it quite likely he would never willingly permit me to describe his Dark Side. Dark aspects are unique, and it is impossible for one to understand the other. Emphasis is placed upon conflict being the means to destroy weaknesses in one’s understanding and opinion, and from the ashes constructing something better and stronger. His is a world largely of philosophy. 
presented in 2005
The third dynasty was an age of confrontation. A emphasis was placed on the continual and brutal confrontation of the self, of everything that the individual took for granted or held dear. The truth was to be demanded, and the layers of pretense with which each person clothes themselves were to exposed at all costs. Illusions were to be laid bare, and all available aggression was to be brought to bear in this work of demolision. The individual was to become awakened, and for fear anybody was left asleep, enough noise was made to wake the dead. This was a passionate age when passions were recognised as yearnings for growth, and these yearnings for growth were to be sated. The third dynasty burned brightest at times of conflict, and conflict was everywhere; councils fought, were disbanded, and were rebuilt. The pragmatic truce with the light aspect which had been upheld by both the first and second dynasty was set aside, and dark went to war with light to expose the hypocrisies that they believed ran rampant. More than once the light council were dealt serious blows, leading to resignations and recriminations, through the attacks of the dark council. Rumours circulated that some within the light council had studied under teachers of the dark council. They were considered contaminated, an enemy within, a source of suspicion. Dark students were tested in conflict, and some developed grudges against their teachers. But through all of this conflict, an atmosphere of growth was not only promoted, but demanded. Great destruction was wrought, but in place of that which was destroyed, new creation could begin. This was a time of beauty in creation, violence in destruction, and persistence in rebirth. Yet while the aspect was full of life in times of conflict, the life began to drain from it in times of peace; and the months of explosive action became less frequent and the months of silence increased. The third master grew increasingly distant from the community; at first through a period of enforced absence, following a decision of the Inner Council to ban him from teaching publicly after a series of particularly vicious attacks; then through a more self-imposed distance, as he sought greater withdrawal in pursuit of learning, finally going to study in a monastery. In his absence, one of his students assumed the chair, and took control of the council. He did not satisfy himself by mouthing other people's words, but brought with him new ideas and a new vision.
-Richard Francis Irvine
written in 2009
Fourth Dynasty
Lead by: Noel Vock
The Fourth Dynasty leader was “Noel Vock, a character who respects the aspect of human nature working better in others and the idea of your pack helping you achieve your inner understanding. Here you find team work, self preservation, self promotion, self improvement, and taking into account both the mystical and the mundane. 
-Kissed by Shiva
presented in 2005
“The fourth dynasty recognised that the strength of the wolf is the strength of the pack. Whereas his teacher had been a strong individualist, the new master understood the resistance of the phalanx, the efficiency of a single unit acting as one. Whereas his teacher had promoted conflict, he promoted mutual loyalty and a strong sense of solidarity. In place of isolation, he encouraged unity, and saw great strength in this unity. This dynasty was the shortest in its lifespan, although its influence is ongoing. It met an ironic end as the head of the council was overthrown and replaced silently by one of his students who perhaps had a different idea of his role within the pack”
-Richard Francis Irvine
written in 2009
Fifth Dynasty
Lead Under Kissed by Shiva's
The fourth dynasty recognised that the strength of the wolf is the strength of the pack. Whereas his teacher had been a strong individualist, the new master understood the resistance of the phalanx, the efficiency of a single unit acting as one. Whereas his teacher had promoted conflict, he promoted mutual loyalty and a strong sense of solidarity. In place of isolation, he encouraged unity, and saw great strength in this unity. This dynasty was the shortest in its lifespan, although its influence is ongoing. It met an ironic end as the head of the council was overthrown and replaced silently by one of his students who perhaps had a different idea of his role within the pack
-Richard Francis Irvine
written in 2009
During the interregnum, in whichEmma Syncler managed the affairs a leader would otherwise handle,Richard Irvine
Sixth Dynasty
Lead by Khaos
Seventh Dynasty
[fill in history]
To date the Force Academy frontpage quotes
“The Force Academy, founded in 1998 (conflicting dates) is one of the first and oldest Jedi Communities on the internet. We are a collaborative community initiative, that studies the ineffable which we call the Force.” - “The FA is home to many students of the Force, who mainly align with one of three Aspects: Light, Dark or Shadow. Each Aspect emphasizes different methods, tools and approaches to the Force, for both the Community and the Individual - resulting in a variety of spiritual paths. We welcome those who choose to follow one of the three Aspects as well as those who prefer an alternative road, regardless of religious, cultural or ethnic background.”
The Jedi Creed
Founders: “The Big Three” 
Relan Volkum, Streen & Mitwra
August 6th, 1999
August 6th 1999 The Big Three created the “Jedi Creed” Mitth's had skills in webmastery and understanding Jedi concepts from Star Wars. Relan was good at summarizing Jedi spiritual concepts and philosophy, and Streen's skill in Jedi learning experience and Jedi website awareness made them a powerful team that produced a successful community. The Jedi Creed became a place where many great and well-known Jedi today learned from. It began to expand as a realistic group which could be practiced in the real world. The term Jedi Realism came from this idea.
In 2001 things changed quite drastically. March 6th, 2001. BBC’s published the article “The Gospel According to Luke (Skywalker)” onto their website. It was quite a tongue lashing towards the online Jedi movement and the Jedi Creed was it’s main target. The results lead to an overrun of reporters visiting the site and speaking with it’s members and leaders for quotes and interviews to add into their own news. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/1204829.stm
This was a time of trial in that the leaders came together and had to decide how to respond to the overwhelming onslaught that took over their community. The subject split down the middle. While Streen and Tionne (Another head leader of the Jedi Creed at the time) were enthusiastic about the attention. They felt this was a great opportunity to get the Jedi Community represented and known more publically while Relan and Mitth were against the idea and pleaded for a plan of retreat. In the end the later was decided. E-mails were deleted, information was locked and put behind doors and the members scattered, discouraged by all the attention and onslaught of misrepresentation of their beliefs and views.
“The incident though had a lasting effect on the website. Because the members attempted to get away from all of the attention, the Jedi Creed was never updated again, the discussion forum was ignored, and its domain name was eventually sold to the highest bidder. Mitth, Streen, and Relan also agreed to separate and go their own paths.” ~Relan Volkum
“Temple of the Jedi” Also known as “Jedi Temple”
[Archive/Not Active] Website: http://archive.jedifoundation.com/jeditemple/
[Archive/Not Active] Forum: http://jeditemple39003.yuku.com/directory#.U4J-vvldU2w
Founded by: John Olorin
Year 2000
Note: The Yuku Forum Boards they used for community communications was on Yuku.com. It’s founders date being in the year of Jul 1 00 11:42 AM.
John Olorin ( Also known as Olorin, the Curator, and (for various purposes) Darth Bane) created what was called the “Red Group” originally a traditional correspondence course offered via email. Lessons were emailed to students and assignments emailed back to him. No discussion board originally. No web site.
Eventually, the correspondence course died out - people were more interested in group interaction. So the Red Group of the Temple of the Jedi was formed on a discussion board (an ezboard at the time). The web site eventually followed, thanks to Streen. Ari Luxhert (sp!), Ogion (his late RL twin), Steffan, and others were involved in creating the discussion board training group and brought ideas from other sites such as the Force Academy. Text-based RP was part of the training and practice portion of the effort.
The hope was that the Jedi Temple would serve as a confederation of related but independent training and discussion groups. The Council would consist of representatives from each of the affiliated groups; ideally each group would be able to appoint or elect that representative from among its teaching masters. The Red Group and the Phoenix Group were the two founding learning groups. Later additions included the Blue Group (run by Chris-Tien Jinn), the White Group (run by Steffan Kaarde), the Green Group, and the Dragon Group.
Olorin also established a Jedi Library, which gathered some materials but it did not gain as much attention as other competing collections of the time.
Chris Tien Jinn, had been active in the Jedi Academy since 1998 and became a student of John Olorin during the correspondence study phase of the Red Group. She was promoted twice (to knight and master), served on the Council, took over the Blue Group’s training. She later became the leading host and developer of the temple’s website. Students in the Blue Group included Opie Macleod, Demetrius Vorak, and Jax, among others.
The Phoenix Group went through some reorganization and returned as the New Phoenix Group, still under the direction of Ari Luxhert but with assistance of her graduated students.
Pressures to unify the Jedi and standardize training and ranks lead to aborted attempts to merge the Jedi Temple with other groups from 2003 to 2005, when the Jedi Temple moved to Second Life and created a training simulation there. Shortly thereafter, the Jedi Temple was merged into the New Order of the Jedi, and Chris-Tien was one of the charter members of that 3-D simulation training and Roleplay community in Second Life.
Several students of Chris-Tien Jinn moved on to the Institute of Jedi Realism and became involved in the in-person Jedi Gatherings.

Year 2000: The United Jedi Council

The United Jedi Council
Founders: Relan Volkum, Streen, Shinobi, Mitth'raw'nurida, Winter Heart, Gedi, and Jae
Year 2000
Just before the fall of the Jedi Creed. Back in the year 2000 Relan was given advice from a 
While the Jedi Creed had been one of the outstanding sights to come into existence
Relan and Streen had been working on the side with other projects and ideas
Due to the use and ability of discussion forums it’s members were free to expand their imagination and one of the most prominent Imaginations of the Jedi even to this very day is a means of Uniting all the websites and communities together into one informative and educative location. Central Academies and Portals were just a few of the ideas to achieve these dreams.
Inviting other head members of the community The United Jedi Council came into existence for a brief union to plan. Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned and before long the United Jedi Council fell. But not first by creating a logo that was quickly seen in the future projects to come

Relan and Streen struggled to pick up the pieces and decided to part ways and work on their own, individual projects alone.
Streen used this time to go from community to community offering his knowledge and help to those in need of it including The Jedi Temple founded by John Olorin.

Year 1997: Jedi of the New Millennium

Jedi of the New Millennium 
Founder: JA Michaels, Jonathan Tapp, Josh Steffan, Trad Davin, and Jordan Daeloth
Year: 1997
[url is now not active/dead]
Jedi of the New Millennium was one of the earliest off-shoot schools from the Jedi Academy. The aim at JotNM was to allow the Jedi to teach one another. There was a staff that originally contained five members of various levels of development. This staff put together the first lessons of the JotNM training section.
One of the innovations shown in JotNM was an actively-updated Student Roster, which kept track of when a member started, as well as basic contact information for them. This was done to instill a sense of Community that had been lost at the Jedi Academy.
JotNM also opened itself to guest and student lectures, maintaining the ideal of unified training of all persons.
The staff came and went, and after two years, the school was left in the care of Juim Teel, a close friend of JA Michaels. It began to stagnate, and when JA Michaels reclaimed JotNM in late 2000, it caused a schism which, for a time, created two JotNMs, one lead by its founder, the other led by Starr. Starr’s JotNM eventually transformed into the Temple of the Jedi Arts in 2001.
JotNM changed hands yet again, and eventually fell by the wayside, as all things do in time.

Year 2000: The power of e-mail & friendship

The power of e-mail & friendship
Founder: Relan Volkun with the advice of WinterHeart
Year: 2000
After the Jedi Creeds fell and the lack of progress within the United Jedi Council. Volkum sought out advice from a close friend. WinterHeart suggested that he put his beliefs out there to the public and talk to those who claimed to be “Jedi”
Taking on a disguise to protect his name. Relan became “Jedi Mediator” and started to go through the community seeking out those who called themselves “Jedi” and eventually bringing them all together in one group. He sent out e-mails to one hundred Jedi using a new program called ‘E-groups’ due to the success of this project, E-groups (which is Yahoo! Groups) became a new way for Jedi to connect and communicate.
“The situation was very tense. You had people of this corner talking/listening to people from this corner, and these people had never talked together before. It was really nuts (I still can’t believe how crazy of an idea it was)” ~ Relan Volkum
It was here where a couple different projects was born.
The first of which was the Jedi United. Which was forming and taking root inside these yahoo groups before taking hold as it’s very own Website Community.
A Second side Project was the DEGA a group of members formed together to become Ambassadors.

Year 2000: DEGA

Founded by Relan Volkum
Co Founded by Allowat Sakima
Year: 2000
Note: Still stringing information together here!
Here is an old archived version of the DEGA forum. It was created by Relan Volkum’s apprentice (at the time) - Allowat Sakima
In the words of Relan Volkum: (I feel he said it better than I could so this is a direct copy/paste of his explanation of DEGA History sent to me by e-mail.)
"DEGA was put together due to a conversation with a former apprentice, Allowat Sakima. It was inspired by a road trip taken in California which the street sign Bodega Bay was impressed. Bodega is a small, hidden tranquil bay which small ships are ported and serves as a rest area. It's where Hitchcock ' The Birds was filmed. Allowat noticed me being in a serious amount of pressure with Jedi United as it was scorned heavily. We spoke about how the deciples in the Bible were of twelve and would go out people that would go to a city by two. This is when Bodega came to mind. Decided to shorten it to DEGA.
DEGA was a way for new members to get experience in the community and work with some of the older ones, as I desperately needed some help and had a tuff time focusing on training for Allowat and eventaully Ait Voicu, who were under my wing at that time. The idea was for an experienced member to walk alongside the new members who had potential. The experienced were Streen, Shinobi, Tionne, and myself, which were familiar from the UJO experience. The hopefuls we were looking at were Opie-MacLeod, Allowat Sakima, Demetrius Vorak, and Ait Voicu, and to help encourage Justan Allan (from the Jedi Creed chats) who was in a depression. This is where Opie-MacLeod got his start as a voice in the Jedi Community, as he served as an ambassador to Jedi of the New Millennium with Gemini Sith. Streen talked with Chris Tien-Jinn at the Jedi Temple and Shinobi went to Force Academy. Dean Kett and Hellflower from Jedi Academy did not want anything to do with my activities, although we still sent group ambassadors. Allowat was the website creator and promotor of the group, while I stayed at Jedi United and facilitated the group. Basically DEGA served as my arms and feet in the community duing this brief period and was successful. This occurred late 2000, early 2001 and helped spawn thejedi.org."