Jedi Sanctuary
Founded in July 2003 by Jedi Seven & Jedi Kidohdin
Jedi Sanctuary was influenced by, attracting key members to their site who later branched away from to create their own order.
The Jedi Fellowship, which later became the Jedi Sanctuary, was founded in July 2003 as a Yahoo group, which later became became it's own website called which is now closed. They also became the first to register as an ULC certified congregation.
Jedi Sanctuarys teachings were based on the Jedi teachings taken from Star Wars Episodes - which was carefully taken from the Star Wars scripts and books. Jedi Kidohdin wrote the teachings so that the group would have some structure as a real world jedi path. These Teachings first started out as the 16 teachings in 2003, then the 18 teachings, and eventually the 33 teachings by 2008. Some of these teachings has been used in other influential Jedi Orders such as the Temple of the Jedi Order.
In March 2006 the 18 Teachings was published under the title "The Jedi Sanctuary Training Guide For New Members"
The 33 Teachings were added to ->…/33-Jedi-Teachings-To-Live-B
Jedi Sanctuary now holds no web pressence, but still maintains a Facebook Page on social Media for interested members seeking to learn the ways of the Jedi.
Jedi Sanctuary Archives
[Off Site/Google doc] Training Guide for New Members
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