Founded: April 2001 by David Dorey (GSV/Yoda) co-founded by Seph
After the Religious Census Phenominon in 2001 when thousands of people from various countries signed "Jedi Knight" as their religion. The Media took to the story agressivly, bombarding Jedi Realist sites like the Jedi Creed to learn more about this strange online movment and report, not so kindly, on the leaders and members of the new Community. Flnging mocking terms like 'Jedism' to describe the path of those that took the fiction to reality.
The Term stuck however and was born.
The sit itself was small and of simple design, taking Star Wars to Knightly Ideals such as King Aurther, and other iconic figures that served their religion in a noble and knightly manner. They had ambitious goals and worked towards creating structured Doctrines, Lessons, as well as aimed to become a Non-Profit Organization under the name "Jedi Organization" d.b.a. Jediism: The Jedi Religion.
Seph (UK), Christopher Chanada, JediLight, Jareth, (all USA) Senya (Germany), and our newest member, Spark Vallen (USA). In regards to the Non-Profit Organization, the officers of the organization are presently: Christopher Chanada - President, Senya - Vice President, Jareth - Master at Arms, and JediLight - Secretary/Treasurer.
Exert from Jedi Gazzet
In February, we purchased the domain name "" and started up our website. Chris did the beautiful job of putting it all together.
In March, we finally finished our official Jediism symbol. The initial outline of the symbol was Chris' vision and JediLight did the artwork. Chris also wrote the explanation of what it symbolizes.
At the end of March, we set up a temporary training forum on EZboards. Chris put that together. In April, Lost Prophet told us he wanted to donate his former forum and server space to set up the permanent training forum. He also purchased the domain. Many, many thanks again to LP!! He set up the initial outline and Chris again got everything set up and ready to go. (He's getting pretty good at this!) The training forum's study courses are available for ranking members only, with new courses being added weekly
Thanks to Keelyth, a silver pendant is now available with the Jediism symbol.
Jediism Archives
Arlen Whitestar's Beginning
Article On Patience
Meditation to Reach Higher Self
Article On Patience
Meditation to Reach Higher Self
The Psychology of Fear
Action Principle 1
Nutritions & Exercise
Seeing Auras
Self Examination
Emotional intelligence
Action Principle 1
Nutritions & Exercise
Seeing Auras
Self Examination
Emotional intelligence
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